Craft Stick Bending Projects

Here are some of the finished results from our families Craft Stick Bending and Popsicle Stick Bending projects.  Some took just a few hour and other longer.  I really liked the fact that these projects do not involve complex and dangerous steps such as the use of solvents or boiling water.  Don’t wait, get on the list for purchasing one of the new Stick Bending Kits.

This was a lot of fun and not as hard as it looks

This was a lot of fun and not as hard as it looks

Bends are so important so it's nice to have a bunch ready

Bends are so important so it’s nice to have a bunch ready

My son really loved making cars that actually raced

My son really loved making cars that actually raced

Our house has been in construction for years.

Our house has been in construction for years.

It endless...

It endless…

Nothing stands in our way!

Nothing stands in our way!

Goes where we go

Goes where we go

Building siege engines

Building siege engines